Who the hell is Nikki?!?!

Nikki and Paolo will forever be iconic character's on LOST. Because they were fricking BURIED ALIVE !!! Never saw that coming.
This didn't have any continuity to what happened last episode. This was one stand alone episode with appearances by some of the survivors that didn't survive in the end. Boone and Shannon was back as well for the ,blowing up doctor, Artz. We were taken back to the first day and everything was shown from Paolo and Nikki's point of view. They had swindled a whoppin 8 Million dollars worth of diamonds from a director which Nikki worked for and slept with. Now they were on the island...diamonds lost...Paolo found them...didn't tell Nikki...and the rest is sand falling on their bodies. You have got to watch this episode to know how great it was. And guess what? Paolo and Nikki found the Pearl Station and the small Yellow Plane before the Locke and Boone did. Seems they weren't that useless after all eh? And Nikki is pretty hot too... ;) They are probably dead...and the ending was really creepy and I loved it all. All in all a great episode of LOST and an inkling of the others plans was revealed...
6:22 AM
Will Nikki and Paulo die in the grave? ;p top
11:43 AM
i dunno who she is, but she sure looks good! top
11:44 AM
BTW, don't u cover Smallville? The WWE wrestler Kane appeared in the last episode i saw as a guy from the phantom zone.... top
11:29 AM
yeaa she does look goood...i waant her baaaack!!!
and smallville is pretty much meh...i just watch it to just see how it ends...there have been a good coupla episodes thus far this season...the part where chloe is a meteor freak is pretty shocking as well as lana marrying lex...didn't think they were going to get through with it...i want more character involvement...not some meteor freak or zoner every episode... top