die hard 4.0

I watched both die hard and transformers today...first up Live Free or...DIE HARD! This was the best movie of the franchise after the first installment...It had everything in it...John Maclane quips...Lots of jaw dropping action...Nerds...and Bruce Willis at his best playing John Maclane...i like him better than Jack Baur...he does everything on instinct...acts first and thinks later...resulting in more unbelievable action scenes...like he usually says "it seemed like a good idea at that time" :D
Oh and yes suspension of belief have to be put into motion if you are going to watch this movie to enjoy it...Yippi Ki Yay...
Best movie of the summer for me till now... 5/5
Oh and yes suspension of belief have to be put into motion if you are going to watch this movie to enjoy it...Yippi Ki Yay...
Best movie of the summer for me till now... 5/5
6:08 PM
did they have a die hard game? ps2... top