criminal minds

its the end of the series season. i was bored and had nuthin to watch. so i thought of chkin out a new show. criminal minds. the show is frickin' excellent. i'd prefer this over any of those csi shows anyday. csi always has three different crimes in one episode and and those lame intro lines b4 the music begins. ive so gotten bored of that. and this is sumthin new. the show focus's on the behavioral analysis unit of the fbi. these ppl make profiles for serial killers, rapist, arsonists, l.d.s.k's (long distance serial killers) u name it. and the cast is amazing. i've really grown into these characters and their lives. if ure over the hype of the csi shows and want to watch some great criminal drama this is the show for u!!!
to learn more about the show click this link.